Monday, March 20, 2017

Grade 8 Math Week of March 20th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - Eureka page 96
Tuesday - Eureka page 102
Wednesday - IXL - Linear Equations
Thursday - Eureka page 111 (4-6)
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 7 Math Week of March 20th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - Eureka page 117 (1-2)
Tuesday - Eureka page 121 Ex3
Wednesday - IXL - Solving Equations
Thursday - Eureka page 124 (4-5)
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 6 Math Week of March 20th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - Eureka page 52
Tuesday - Eureka page 55
Wednesday - Eureka page 69
Thursday - IXL - Equation and Expressions
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 5 Math Week of March 20th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - Go Math workbook page 131
Tuesday - GO Math workbook page 145
Wednesday - IXL - Fraction Operations
Thursday - Go Math workbook page 147
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Monday, March 13, 2017

Announcements for the week of March 13th, 2017

Students are expected to work on iReady for at least 15 mins a night. iReady provides a lesson on a daily basis for all students based on areas of need.

All students are reminded that they would practice their Math skills using IXL. Students in 5-8 should use IXL to supplement their iReady. IXL should be used twice a week for at least 20 minutes during each session.

Topics to be covered during the week.

Grade 5 - Addition and Subtraction of fractions with mixed Numbers
Grade 6 - Writing and solving of equations
Grade 7 - Using Pi to solve for Area of a circle
Grade 8 - Looking at Proportional Relationships and Slope

Monday March 13, 2017 
Early Dismissal Day - 12:00 noon - Faculty meeting 

Thursday March 16, 2017
Green Day in Honor of St. Patrick's Day, the patron of the Archdiocese of New York.
Students may wear Green shirt, skirt, pants and not wear their uniform.

Friday March 17, 2017 
St. Patrick's Day - School Closed 

Grade 8 Math Week of March 13th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - School Closed
Wednesday - Eureka Page 82-83
Thursday - 
Friday - School Closed

Lesson Plan

Grade 7 Math Week of March 13th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - School Closed
Wednesday - Eureka page 108 (1-2)
Thursday - 
Friday - School Closed

Lesson Plan

Grade 6 Math Week of March 13th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - School Closed
Wednesday - Progress in mathematics 123 (20-25)
Thursday - 
Friday - School Closed

Lesson Plan

Grade 5 Math Week of March 13th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - School Closed
Wednesday - Eureka page 81
Thursday - 
Friday - School Closed

Lesson Plan

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Grade 8 Math Week of March 6th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Eureka page 49 (1-3)
Wednesday - 
Thursday - 
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 7 Math Week of March 6th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Eureka page 91 (4-5)
Wednesday - 
Thursday - Page 98-99 (2-4)
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 6 Math Week of March 6th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Eureka page 90
Wednesday - 
Thursday - Eureka page 23 in nb
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 5 Math Week of March 6th, 2017

*An iReady lesson is to be completed on a nightly basis. 

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Eureka page 54
Wednesday - 
Thursday - Eureka page 62
Friday - 

Lesson Plan