Monday, April 24, 2017

Announcements for the week of April 24th, 2017

* Changes in Gym schedule

Grade 7 will have gym on:
Monday at 9:00 AM
Wednesday at 8:15 AM

New York State Math Test
Grades 3-8 
May 2-4, 2017

Students should be practicing with iReady computer program and books.

Grade 8 Math Week of April 24th, 2017

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Redo problem #57 from iReady book
Wednesday - iReady book assessment 2 Book 1 (1-5)
Thursday - 
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 7 Math Week of April 24th, 2017

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Ready NY Book Assessment 2 Book 1 (1-10)
Wednesday - 
Thursday - 
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 6 Math Week of April 24th, 2017

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Ready NY Book Assessment 2 Book 1 (1-10)
Wednesday - Ready NY Book Assessment 2 Book 3
Thursday - 
Friday - 

Lesson Plan

Grade 5 Math Week of April 24th, 2017

* In addition to iReady IXL lesson should be completed every Wednesday and Friday night. 

Monday - 
Tuesday - Ready NY Book Assessment 2 Book 1 (1-5)
Wednesday - IXL
Thursday - Go Math workbook page 161 (1-8)
Friday - 

Lesson Plan