Twitter: @olqmnyc
Instagram: @olqmnyc
Monday February 25, 2019
Early Dismissal 12:00 noon
Thursday February 28, 2019
Mr. Tweed, the regional superintendent, will be visiting classrooms today.
Progress Reports sent home at dismissal
3:15 PM - Reconciliation Class
Friday March 1, 2019
Early Dismissal 12:00 noon
After School Program in session
Celebration of Dr. Seuss' Birthday
Costume Contest
9:00 AM - All PreK and Kindergarten classes
10:00 AM - Grades 1-8
Parents welcome
Early Dismissal 12:00 noon
Thursday February 28, 2019
Mr. Tweed, the regional superintendent, will be visiting classrooms today.
Progress Reports sent home at dismissal
3:15 PM - Reconciliation Class
Friday March 1, 2019
Early Dismissal 12:00 noon
After School Program in session
Celebration of Dr. Seuss' Birthday
Costume Contest
9:00 AM - All PreK and Kindergarten classes
10:00 AM - Grades 1-8
Parents welcome
Topics covered for the week
5th Grade - Operations of Fractions
6th Grade - Understanding Positive and Negative Numbers on the Number Line
7th Grade - Use Properties of Operations to Generate Equivalent Expressions
8th Grade - Writing and Solving Linear Equations
8th Grade - Writing and Solving Linear Equations
Grade 5-8 Math Quiz Schedule
Grade 5 - Wednesday, February 27th
Grade 6 - Wednesday, February 27th
Grade 7 - Wednesday, February 27th
Grade 8 - Wednesday, February 27th