Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lesson Plan for the week of February 8, 2010

Please make sure to check the blog on a daily basis.

Weekly Vocabulary Words

1. Scourged - to whip; to punish severely.

2. Besieging - to surround with hostile forces.

3. Stocks - a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant.

4. Cistern - a reservoir, tank, or container for storing or holding water or other liquid.

5. Imprimatur - a license issued by a censor of the Roman Catholic Church saying literary or similar work is free from error in matters of Roman Catholic doctrine and hence acceptable reading for faithful Roman Catholics.

Classwork Assignments

Math Grade 5
Monday - Assembly Person letter
Tuesday- Page 383 (1-7)
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 84 Workbook

Math Grade 6
Monday - Page 467 (1-8)
Tuesday- Computer Class
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 462 (1-6)

Math Grade 7
Monday - Page 269 (1-4)
Tuesday- Page 270 (1-8)
Wednesday- Page 364 (9-12)
Thursday- Page 364 (8-12)

Math Grade 8
Monday - Page 354 (1-3)
Tuesday- Page 354 (4-8)
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 330 (1-13) (23-25)

Religion Grade 7
Monday - Quiz on Page 34-35, Notes, Journal Entry - Sacrament stained glass window.
Tuesday- Notes
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Notes

Religion Grade 8
Monday - Class notes
Tuesday- Luke 24:13-35 in NB
1. What were the two disciples thinking and feeling as they walked along the road?
2. Did talking with the stranger about death and resurrection of Jesus help them?
3. How did the disciples realize that Jesus was the stranger?
4. Did realizing that Jesus had been with them help change their feelings?
5. How did they share the good news with others?
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Notes on St. Ignatius of Loyola

Homework Assignments

Math Grade 5
Monday - No homework
Tuesday- Exam covering graphs on Thursday Page 383 (8-16)
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 87
Friday- No homework given on Fridays

Math Grade 6
Monday - Page 467 (9-14)
Tuesday- No homework
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Quiz tomorrow Area of a square, rectangle, triangle, perimeter
Page 469 (7-10)
Friday- No homework given on Fridays

Math Grade 7
Monday - Page 269 (5-8)
EXAM ON THURSDAY Perimeter and area of objects
Tuesday- Page 270 (9-15)
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 364 (13-19)
Friday- No homework given on Fridays

Math Grade 8
Monday - No homework
Tuesday- Page 355 (9-18)
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 326-327 (11-16)
Friday- No homework given on Fridays

Religion Grade 7
Monday - Mt 6:19-21, Mt 6:25-34, Mt 7:24-29
Explain the symbolism used by Jesus to teach an important lesson.
Tuesday- Luke 24:13-35 in NB
1. What were the two disciples thinking and feeling as they walked along the road?
2. Did talking with the stranger about death and resurrection of Jesus help them?
3. How did the disciples realize that Jesus was the stranger?
4. Did realizing that Jesus had been with them help change their feelings?
5. How did they share the good news with others?
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Page 76 Define words, Page 77 #1
Friday- No homework given on Fridays

Religion Grade 8
Monday - No homework
Tuesday- Page 101 (1-5) on L.L.
Wednesday- School Closed
Thursday- Chapter 7 Exam on Tuesday 2/16, Spiritual Life Essay (refer to Science blog for directions)
Friday- No homework given on Fridays

Click on the corresponding grade in order to see what lesson is being covered.


Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8


Grade 7

Grade 8