Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekly Vocabulary for June 7, 2010

The following is to be used in conjunction with notebooks and textbooks to prepare for finals.

Grade 5 Final Review

1. Convert units of capacity
2. Convert units of mass
3. Read equations
4. variables
5. Addition of fractions
6. Subtraction of fractions
7. Multiplication of fractions
8. Division of fractions
9. Parts of a circle
10. Greatest common factor
11. lowest common multiple
12. divide and multiply with decimals
13. coordinate plane
14. number plane
15. Acute, obtuse, triangle definitions

Grade 6 Final Review Topics

1. Convert units of capacity
2. Convert units of mass
3. Read equations
4. variables
5. Addition of fractions
6. Subtraction of fractions
7. Multiplication of fractions
8. Division of fractions
9. Parts of a circle
10. Greatest common factor
11. lowest common multiple
12. divide and multiply with decimals
13. coordinate plane
14. number plane
15. ratios
16. equivalent fractions
17. integers
18. mean, median, mode, range

Grade 7 Final Review Topics
1. polynomials
metric units of measurement
3. customary units of measurement
4. adding integers
5. subtracting integers
6. multiplying integers
7. dividing integers
8. order of operations
9. mean, median, mode, range
10. probability
11. proportions

Grade 8 Final Review Topics
1. polynomials
2. variables
3. solving for variables
4. multiplication of binomials
5. plotting on a coordinate plane
6. percentage
7. rate
8. base
9. mean, median, range, mode
10.definitions associated with triangles
11. rational numbers
12. vertical angels
13. reading graphs

Click on the corresponding grade in order to see what lesson is being covered.


Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8


Grade 7

Grade 8