Sunday, December 8, 2013

Parent Announcements Week of December 9th, 2013

Parent Reminders:

Public High School applications WERE due Monday, November 25th, 2013.  Several students have failed to submit them.

Failure to submit your application will jeopardize your public high school enrollment.

The Interim Assessments will be administered to students in grades K-8 this week on Thursday 12/12 and Friday 12/13.

Students who returned the permission slips will receive instruction on proper brushing and flossing along with a variety of free supplies on Monday December 9th.

The Confirmation Class will be leading morning prayer at 7:30 AM each school day during Advent. It is mandatory for 7th and 8th graders to attend. It will substitute their Religion class. Failure to attend will result in a zero for the day.

If you have any questions please contact Mr. Woods.