Extended Day
Mon - School Closed
Mon - School Closed
Tues - 5th Grade
Weds - 8th Grade
Thurs - 7th Grade
School Evaluation
The school evaluation by the Catholic School Regional Board has been scheduled for Thursday January 29, 2015. Sister June Clare Tracy, OP the regional superintendent will be here to visit classrooms, talk to parents and teachers and make recommendations.
The school evaluation by the Catholic School Regional Board has been scheduled for Thursday January 29, 2015. Sister June Clare Tracy, OP the regional superintendent will be here to visit classrooms, talk to parents and teachers and make recommendations.
Report Cards - February 4, 2015
Report Cards will be distributed to students by Father Antonio on Wednesday February 4, 2015. Parent- teacher conferences will be held from 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
Report Cards will be distributed to students by Father Antonio on Wednesday February 4, 2015. Parent- teacher conferences will be held from 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
Tuesday January 20th
Math coach will work with students
Math coach will work with students
Wednesday January 21st
Mid-Term exams in Mathematics and Science
Mid-Term exams in Mathematics and Science
Thursday January 22nd
Mid Term exams Reading and Religion
Friday January 23rd
Mid Term Exams Social Studies and ELA
Mid Term exams Reading and Religion
Friday January 23rd
Mid Term Exams Social Studies and ELA