Monday, February 16, 2015

Grade 7 Religion Week of February 16th - 20th

Monday - School Closed
Tuesday - No homework
Wednesday - Page 164 Activity
Thursday - 
Friday - 

1. Sacrament - an effective sign given to us by Jesus Christ through which we share in God's life.
2. Sanctifying Grace - the grace that we receive in the sacraments.
3. Liturgy - the official public prayer of the Church.
4. Sanctify - to make holy.
5. Catechumenate - a process of formation for the Sacraments of Christian Initiation that includes prayer and liturgy, religious instruction based on Scripture and Tradition, and service to others.
6. Catechumens - adults and older children of catechetical age who have entered the catechumenate and are participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
7. Celebrant - the bishop, priest, or deacon who celebrates a sacrament for and with the community.
8. Chrism - Perfumed oil blessed by the bishop