Dismissal now at 3:15 PM
for students in grades K-8. This is being done to extend the hour of instruction in Mathematics to 1 1/2 hours which needs to be done to complete all the components in the Eureka Math Program (new textbook program).
Parents are requested to remind baby sitters, who pick up students at dismissal.
Tuesday January 31st
Touring Tuesday and Open House
9:00 AM -11:00 AM
Parents may visit classrooms and be part of the teaching/learning.
Thursday February 2nd
Report Card Distribution
Thursday February 2nd
Report Card Distribution
Dismissal at 12:00 noon
Parent Teacher Conferences
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Parents are asked to sign for for an account at Great Minds. This site provides extra help for children struggling with the Eureka Math Curriculum.
All students are reminded that they would practice their Math skills using IXL.
All students are reminded that they would practice their Math skills using IXL.
All 5th grade students are encouraged to practice specific Math skills using iReady.