Monday, February 6, 2017

Announcements for the week of February 6th, 2017

Tuesday February 7, 2017
MAP Testing begins grades K-8 Mathematics

Thursday February 9, 2017

Students in grades K-8 will begin instruction using the           i-Ready program and Logins and Passwords will be sent home in the next week (grades 3, 4 and 5 already have logins and passwords).
 This is another on-line program that can be done at home to increase Mathematics and ELA (English Language Arts)skills.
It can be done on a computer, on an i-pad or an i-phone.

 Like Achieve 3000 and IXL, i-Ready works at the child's level slowly increasing skill development.

Parents are asked to sign for for an account at Great Minds. This site provides extra help for children struggling with the Eureka Math Curriculum. 

All students are reminded that they would practice their Math skills using IXL.