Sunday, September 29, 2019
Join representatives from the Catholic High Schools in Manhattan to learn more about them.
Hosted at Cathedral High School
350 East 56th St.
Schools in attendance:
Cathedral Girls High School
Covenant of the Sacred Heart
Cristo Rey NY High School
Dominican Academy
La Salle Academy
Loyola School
Marymount School
Notre Dame School
Regis High School
St. George Academy
St. Jean Baptiste High School
St. Vicent Ferrer High School
Xavier High School
Students are reminded that it is very important to visit the Public High School Open House sessions. Some schools have used this informational format to replace their interview process.

October 5-6, Saturday and Sunday 10am-3pm
Grace Dodge Educational Campus
2474 Crotona Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
October 5-6, Saturday and Sunday10am-3pm
Bayard Rustin Educational Campus
351 W 18th Street
Manhattan, NY 10011
Topics covered for the week
5th Grade - Decimal Fractions and Place Value Patterns
6th Grade - Representing and Reasoning About Ratios
7th Grade - Proportional Relationships
8th Grade - Exponential Notation and Properties of Integer Exponents
Grade 5-8 Math Quiz Schedule
Grade 5 - Friday, September 27th
Grade 6 - Friday, September 27th
Grade 7 - Friday, September 27th
Grade 8 - Friday, September 27th
Grade 6 - Friday, September 27th
Grade 7 - Friday, September 27th
Grade 8 - Friday, September 27th