Re-registration for the 2020-2021 school year is open now! Re-register your child before April 15th for $150. The fee will increase to $250 after April 15th. If you have any questions, please Alba in the school office.
Wednesday, March 12th, 2020 - Mr. Placido will be at a Eureka Math Professional Development workshop

Thursday, March 12th, 2020 - 7th and 8th Grade will lead Pi day celebration
Friday, March 13th, 2020 - School Closed

Grade 5-8 Math Quiz Schedule for the week
5th - 8th Grade re-test for those who failed last Thursday's quiz will take place on Tuesday, March 9th.
Grade 5 - Divison of Fractions covered this week - No Quiz this week
Grade 6 - Algebraic Expression covered this week -No Quiz this week
Grade 7 - Percent covered this week -No Quiz this week
Grade 8 - Standard form of a line covered this week -No Quiz this week
Grade 6 - Algebraic Expression covered this week -No Quiz this week
Grade 7 - Percent covered this week -No Quiz this week
Grade 8 - Standard form of a line covered this week -No Quiz this week
FYI for 8th-grade parents: Graduation fee payment on Smart Tuition includes Cap and Gown, Pictures, Graduation Ring, Graduation Day activities.